Projects and Research Experience

Digital mess


A digital mess management platform to save time and redue paperwork and waste. Implemented an API service using MongoDB and Flask alongside a Flutter tablet application for mess workers to verify student meal eligibility.


Growth India Telescope

Telescope Archiver

Guide: Prof. Varun Bhalerao, IIT Bombay. An intuitive image query interface using Django, VueJS, and NGINX to facilitate seamless data analysis. Enhanced search functionality for equatorial coordinates by leveraging the HEALPix system.


Confirmation of COMET C/2022 N1 and Asteroid 2022 MY2

Guide: Prof. Varun Bhalerao, IIT Bombay. I observed the COMET C/2022 N1 (Attard-Maury) and Asteroid 2022 MY2 using the Growth India Telescope in Ladakh and confirmed their orbits, leading to their discovery.


Course Recommendation System

A course recommendation system using collaborative filtering and matrix decomposition. Uses Wandb for hyperparameter tuning.




An app for online teaching that allows writing on a desktop using a homemade stylus and smartphone. Developed with Flutter, uses a socket-based service for smooth data transmission from the mobile app to the desktop over WiFi, with advanced detection of finger movements and gestures.
